Monthly Archives: April 2018

Female chough inspecting three eggs

First Eggs Laid

April 24th 2018

We now have eggs in four out of five nests. Eight eggs in total.

Female chough inspecting three eggs

Female chough inspecting three eggs

The first egg was laid in nest 1 on April 18th, just a few days later than last year. There are eggs in all other nests, except nest number 5. (The female in this nest will be twenty years old this year).

The Female in nest number 5 continues to build – and dismantle – the nest. She still is not satisfied with it, and has not yet started “sitting in”.

More eggs are due in the next few days. These can be seen on the webcam at here.

Birds building in all five boxes.

It’s Building Time!

April 4th 2018

The chough nest box webcams are now live – click here. (The link does work this time!)

The almost-continual rain has now stopped, and our birds are building in earnest.

Birds building in all five boxes.

Birds building in all five boxes.

We are now into the stage of supplying the nest aviaries with materials. We start with large twigs, then move on to smaller twigs and heather.

In a few days time we will be adding moss and lichens – finally finishing with horse hair.