Monthly Archives: April 2024

Wild Chough Nest Webcams

LIVE Irish Chough Nest | Mizen Peninsula, Co Cork

As well as the nest cameras in chough aviaries here at Paradise Park in Cornwall, there is now an opportunity to see into wild chough nests in Ireland. This is a wonderful chance to compare the behaviours and timings of wild and captive breeding, and enhances our understanding of these clever corvids.

Wild chough in nest box in County Cork
Wild chough in nest box in County Cork

The first camera is in a purpose-built chough nest box, similar to the nest boxes we use at Paradise Park. The birds have been using this box for a number of years, and we have been in contact with the barn’s owner to offer advice. The cameras have been installed under licence as part of the National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS) research project.

YouTube link : LIVE Irish Chough Nest | Mizen Peninsula, Co Cork – YouTube

The camera was supplied by and was installed by Alan McCarthy (BirdWatch Ireland). Many thanks to the owners of the barn for permission to install the camera.

LIVE Irish Chough Nest | Clonakilty, Co. Cork

Chough nesting in an agricultural building in County Cork
Chough nesting in an agricultural building in County Cork

The second nest is tucked up in the roof space of an agricultural building, and this nest has also been used by a pair of choughs for several years.

YouTube link:

Again, this camera is part of a research project by NPWS with cameras supplied by

Both links will show the YouTube video streams, and the NPWS would be very interested to hear from anyone who sees any interesting behaviour.

Comments can be left on the live stream pages.

Happy viewing!